Cancellations or changes to a reservation must be done through the Parks Administrative Office. A cancellation/change fee of $11 is added for each site that is cancelled/changed.
Camping Cancellation Policy
If cancellation is made seven (7+) or more days before the arrival date, a refund will be issued less the reservation fee and a $11 cancellation fee.
If cancellation is made within one to six (1-6) days before the arrival date, a possible refund is issued less the reservation fee, a $11 cancellation fee and the first two night's camping fee (if reservation is for one or two nights, there is no refund).
If cancellation is made on or after the arrival date, there is no refund.
Picnic Area Cancellation Policy
If cancellation is made fifteen (15) or more days in advance of the reserved use date, a refund will be issued less the reservation fee and a $11 cancellation fee.
If cancellation is made within fourteen (14) days of the reserved use date, no refunds will be issued.
Parks Admin Office (503) 742-4414 / / Monday - Thursday 7:00am - 6:00pm
Three parks with campgrounds, Barton, Feyrer and Metzler Parks, have dump stations. They are available to the public during our camping season, May 1 through September 30. There is a $20 dump fee if you are not camping at the park. The campgrounds and dump stations are closed October 1 through April 30.
Parks Admin Office (503) 742-4414 / / Monday - Thursday 7:00am - 6:00pm
The Disabled Veteran discount applies to a Service Connected Disabled Veterans. We highly encourage you to obtain a Disabled Veteran Special Access Pass issued by the Oregon State Parks. Clackamas County Parks will honor the Oregon State Park Disabled Veteran Special Access Pass we do not have a pass of our own. For more information and an application:
We also accept your Service-Connected VA card or a disability letter.
Once we receive verification of your service-connected disability status, we will update your account. Future camping reservations will reflect the discount, whether it's reserved through parks staff or online.
You will receive up to 10 free nights of camping per month in Barton, Feyrer or Metzler Parks. There is a maximum stay of 28 nights in the camping season.
With the Oregon State Park Disabled Veteran Special Access Pass, you can receive free daily parking in Clackamas County Parks all year.
Parks Admin Office (503) 742-4414 / / Monday - Thursday 7:00am - 6:00pm
Once a parking citation is issued in a county park, it is turned over to the Sheriff Department. Follow the instructions on the back of the citation. You can accept the citation and pay the fee. If you want to dispute the citation, you will have to pay the fee and request a hearing. If the hearing is decided in your favor, your fee will be refunded. For more information, call the Sheriff Records Office at 503-785-5200.
Parks Admin Office (503) 742-4414 / / Monday - Thursday 7:00am - 6:00pm
Lost & Found boxes are located in the individual parks. You can call the park directly to give details of your lost item.
Barton/Carver 503-742-4422
Eagle Fern 503-637-3050
Feyrer 503-829-6621
Metzler 503-630-4743
Parks Admin Office (503) 742-4414 / / Monday - Thursday 7:00am - 6:00pm
- Reserved Campsites: Alcohol is allowed, no prior notification required. Alcohol must remain within the campsite.
- Reserved Picnic Areas: Alcohol is allowed, but prior notification is required. Please contact the Parks Admin Office at least a week before arrival. Alcohol must remain within the picnic area.
- Unreserved picnic areas and general day use areas: Alcohol is prohibited.
Parks Admin Office (503) 742-4414 / / Monday - Thursday 7:00am - 6:00pm
Clackamas County Parks utilizes a permit system for items not generally allowed in day use areas of the parks. To enjoy activities such as amplified sound systems, air bouncers, and caterers, a written approval by the Parks Manager is required. To have your request considered, please follow these steps.
At least 3 weeks before your event, contact the Parks Administration Office to request a permit. The Office will begin the permit process and get manager&rsquos approval for the permit(s) requested. The fee is $22 for most activities, $80 for an on-site caterer/food truck.  
If you are procuring your activity through a third party vendor, such as renting equipment or hiring a caterer, insurance and an indemnification letter are required.
- A certificate of liability insurance from your insurance provider naming Clackamas County as additionally insured.  The minimum amount must be $1,000,000 per single occurrence, and $2,000,000 annual aggregate covering the date of the reservation(s).
- A signed indemnification letter (provided by Clackamas County Parks) holding Clackamas County harmless from all claims and actions as specified.
Alcohol: If you, or your group, wish to serve alcohol in your reserved picnic area, there is no permit involved.  Simply let us know if you plan on having these items and we will note your account. No alcohol allowed in unreserved or general day use areas.
Security deposits are paid upfront when reserving picnic areas and shelters. The area must pass a ranger inspection (clean, no-damage) for the security deposit to be returned to you. No notification needed for reserved campsites.
Parks Admin Office (503) 742-4414 / / Monday - Thursday 7:00am - 6:00pm
Annual Passes can be purchased online (above) or over the phone (503) 742-4414.
12-month Annual Pass $55
24-month Annual Pass $90
Whether purchased online or over the phone, the pass will be mailed to you. A printed copy of the reciept email can be used on your dash up to 2 weeks as you wait for the pass to arrive in the mail. 
Parks Admin Office (503) 742-4414 / / Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:00pm